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Raised in the deep of the Swedish forests, Sigurd has a playground not many of his four-year-old fellow country men even set their feet in. In this guest post we meet this lively kid from the perspective of his pro-blogger Andrea Hejlskov. Do yourself a favour and read more of her adventurous escape into nature at
Alright then, here we go!

Almost four years ago we left modern society to go settle in the wild where we built our own log cabin. We wanted to start all over. We wanted to see if we could not find another, and maybe a better way, of being a family. We now spend our days raising kids and maybe awareness too, I don´t know. It´s a quiet life and a simple life. Primitive, yes, we do not have running water nor electricity (well, we do, we have a solar cell) but never without a deep sense of meaning and being connected… to the larger whole. To nature.

This post is about Sigurd.
Sigurd is four years old.
He grew up in the wild wilderness woods of Värmland, Sweden.
This post is about his tipi.

Yesterday we had the first night of winter frost so we decided to move the tipi. It´s been standing down by the lake for visiting friends and family but we wanted to move it closer to the cabin so that we might have some extra space.

Initially it was decided that I should have it as a “writers retreat” (hi, I´m Andrea, I´m the mother, I also happen to be an author of this book for instance: ) but it didn´t take long before little Sigurd decided that we don’t really need a writers retreat or a winter hut, no, what we needs is somewhere where he can play with his favorite play animal: the pink and fabulous unicorn called “Hjørni” So we went down to the lake to fetch the tipi.

We call this “the shitty bridge” or “the worst bridge ever invented by human kind” and you unfortunately have to cross it to get to the tipi.


And then we began to dismantle the tipi which I didn’t take any pictures of because it was not really interesting. Lunch was more interesting.


Then we began to raise the tipi which Sigurd found to be very boring work


So he went scouting for some wild sorrel which he eats with great joy.



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Then he decided to climb some trees


For a minute there he thought about creating a spiderweb from the lines of the tipi but somebody yelled very loudly that he shouldn’t even BEGIN think about it.

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So he went on a mission to explore and conquer the surroundings

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After a good while he came back carrying with him a stone meant for further exploration

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Then it was time to go fetch Hjørni!

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Uh, cosy!

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“I wonder if that mother person also brought some cookies?”

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“Hjørni wants hot chocolate too!”

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“Hey mom, is it ok that I rule the tipi from now on? You don´t really need a place to write anyways, right, you have me!”

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And that was that.

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So unfortunately I can´t write about our Tentipi or the reasons why we have it, but some time ago I wrote this I gotta go now. Sigurd wants to camp out by the tipi tonight “We´ll be like winter bears” he says, exhilarated. Oh, forest life, I do love you.


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