

Tentipi Nordic tipis are light, spacious, reliable and versatile, making your outdoor adventures around the globe so enjoyable and comfortable — and with an inner tent you are well protected from insects, snakes and other small animals dwelling on the ground.

For Tentipi, the element of earth represents the pleasure of having a warm, safe and cosy home, suited to all types of climate and weather, with you when out travelling to different places and settings around the world. These are places people want to go to — some close by, others far away. This is where people engage in different activities and it is the pleasure and satisfaction gained from such experiences that actually motivates them to make the effort to go off on adventures of that kind. The fact that Tentipi Nordic tipis cope with the other elements so well is the reason why we can include the fourth element — earth — as a natural part of our company philosophy.

Embrace the elements! No other tents make you one with nature as well as a Tentipi Nordic tipi does. At the same time, it protects you better from the elements than any other tent can do.

Tentipi — embrace the elements


Design features and fabrics

Find out what makes our Adventure Nordic tipis so special.

Read our fire safety document

Learn how to use fire safely in our Nordic tipis.




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