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Maintenance Notes for Owners
All of our products are designed and built to last. This ethos runs through everything we do, for the benefit of our customers and the planet. It is achieved using the highest quality materials and over 35 years of Tentipi expertise.
There is no definitive answer as to how long your tipi will last, but if well looked after you will get many years of use out of it.
There are several things you can do to prolong its life. Please have a read of our guide below. It's not everything there is to know, but it's a good place to start.


Inspecting your canvas


It is a good idea for you to regularly inspect your canvases for nicks, tears and holes. It's much easier and cheaper to repair a tear when it's small.

If you don't have one already, it's well worth keeping one of our canvas repair kits in your on-site tool kit.

We can give you plenty of guidance when it comes to managing repairs yourself. For larger repairs, which might require professional sewing, we can advise on authorised Tentipi repairers.


Cleaning your canvas


Our canvas has a custom coating that gives it exceptional weatherproofing. This weatherproofing precludes the use of some harsh chemicals which could damage the coating. However, several methods can be safely used for cleaning canvases.

For everyday mud and dirt, wait for the canvas to dry and remove any excess dirt with a dry brush, then wash using lots of warm water and a soft cloth.

For tougher residues such as algae (where tipis have been pitched near trees and shrubs for extended periods) the fabric manufacturer's advice is to use a light solution of chlorine bleach in water (ratio1:10). This will make a significant difference to the build-up of algae but may not entirely remove all traces of the green residue. Always rinse with clean water afterwards.

There are other products and methods that some of our customers have successfully used, please get in touch if you would like more details.


Storing your canvas


A tipi left up for 12 months of the year will not last as long as one that is packed away during cold and wet months.

If your tipi is left unoccupied for any length of time, we recommend taking the tent down, drying it completely and storing it in a dry, well-ventilated space.


Wind management


As with any temporary structure, wind management is a constant consideration. Every event tent structure should have a maximum wind rating.

Our specific wind ratings and pull-out forces are detailed in our customer Safety Manual and vary according to the tipi size and model.

All customers are given a printed copy of our Safety Manual and access to an online version. We are always happy to discuss wind management with customers.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more.


tipi poles


Due to the immense strength of the Nordic spruce that we use for our poles, they do not need any unpleasant chemicals to prevent rot, but they do require a certain amount of care to keep them in good working order for as long as possible.

The first thing you can do to prolong the life of your tipi poles is to store them when not in use, ideally off the ground in a dry, well-ventilated space.

For anyone planning long-term installations, we would recommend using a plastic membrane beneath the poles to prevent them from sitting on wet ground and soaking up water.

We also recommend carrying out regular inspections of fixtures and fittings to check they are all secure, and an annual inspection of all poles.

Details of how to carry out pole inspections can be found in our customer Safety Manual. All customers are given a printed copy of our Safety Manual and access to an online version. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.



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