Long-lasting products

The best we can do for the planet is long-lasting products

At Tentipi, we share a common sentiment with many of our customers - we don't enjoy constantly buying new things.

That's why we focus on creating durable products that are built to last year after year. We offer tent rental and repair services, and our products are designed in a way that allows customers to easily fix most issues with simple tools found at home or in nature, with just a little guidance from us.

We have been doing this since we stitched the first tent back in 1989.

Canvas – built to last

We want our tents to last as long as they possibly can, for the benefit of both our customers and the environment. To achieve this, we apply a long-term perspective to the production of our canvases by investing in high-quality, durable materials and smart, timeless design that increases the life span of the product.

Repairable products

Everything can break, a canvas will wear and tear after frequent use, accidents happen. Nothing last forever, but a good product can be repaired. We design our tents in triangular sections so that a damaged part can be exchanged with a new, rather than throwing away the whole tent when patching is no longer an option. That way we minimize the spill material. We offer repair kits for the small damages, and we have professional repair centres for the bigger jobs.

Locally sourced Nordic timber

All of our Event tent poles are sourced from sustainable forests in Northern Sweden, which are carefully managed by the Swedish Forest Board. The timber for our smaller event tents is a by-product of ongoing forest management, where smaller trees are felled to provide space for bigger trees to grow. When our larger poles are harvested, the forests are replanted and the cycle continues.
Locally sourced Nordic timber

Reducing waste material

We spend a lot of time on calculating the best ways to cut our canvases so that the absolute most of the raw material ends up in a finished product. First, we cut out the big sections, the triangular panels that make up the walls of the tents. The in-between leftovers are used for attachment points, pockets, enforcement, etc. Parts that we don’t find a direct use for we save for the future, they come in handy when we train new staff or when a customer calls in and need a patch for repairing their tent. Odd pieces that can’t be used anywhere else we make into hammocks and storage bags. And you won’t believe how many handy things you can make from leftover fabric! Here at the factory we have tool belts, rain shelters for poles, aprons, storage boxes… all crafted from the best canvases on the market.

Hemp – a love story

It’s one of nature’s strongest fibres, it has much lower carbon footprint than conventionally grown cotton, and it’s strong. And it’s been on our radar for a long, long time. Hemp is the hero ingredient in Safir eco, coupled with recycled polyester and organic cotton, creating a high-performing canvas for our most advanced camping tent. Judging from the look of our CEO’s eyes when pitching the Safir eco, we can confidently say that we’ll see more Tentipi products made from hemp in the future.


Sea and land-based transportation of our products is always the first choice for our distribution. The use of air freight is only used as a last resort on very rare occasions.

Tent rental – sharing resources

From the very start our customers saw the potential for renting out Tentipi products and we’ve been the foundation for the growing world-wide movement of Nordic tipi event rentals since 1989. We provide durable products to forward-thinking individuals renting out tents, maximizing their lifetime use in events that leave no trace.