How to make an open fire in the Firebox Hekla in a Nordic tipi?

Here are some tips to make an open fire in a Firebox Hekla in a Nordic tipi and get a safe heating. Also about ventilation, wood and tinder to make a safe fire in the tent.

Put up the Firebox Hekla as the manual says. Make sure the firebox is horizontal and is nicely grounded without risk to sink into the ground.

Read more about what to think about before making a fire in ”How do you make a safe fire in the Nordic tipi?”

Make a quiet little fire kept alive. Avoid high flames.

Use dry wood which doesn’t sparkle, for instance birch.

Birch is one hardwood tree which means it burns longer and gives more heat, but it is heavier and more difficult to light than softwoods. Other hardwoods are oak, hickory, dogwood, ash and apple.

Begin with tinder in form of small wooden sticks, dry twigs, dry grass or newspapers wrapped together.

Carefully place on slightly larger firewood, still thin that burns easily.

The oxygen supply from below is important. Lift up the wooden pile a little on one side if it is difficult for the air to come from below.

Keep the fire small and maintain the glow. It spreads heat throughout the Nordic tipi.

Never leave the fire unattended.