How to choose lightweight or cotton/polyester fabric?

How to choose the right fabric? Lightweight or cotton/polyester? When do I need it? Is the one better than the other in special circumstances? How does the difference between a lightweight and a cotton/polyester fabric show in the everyday tenting life? What more do I need? To make a good choice there are several questions to answer.

What kind of fabric material is good enough to you and your use of the Nordic tipi?

If you are going to put it up once a year, there is no need of buying the very best fabric to the highest price. In that case it is better to choose an Onyx.

But if you plan to use the tent many times and in tougher situations or want the Nordic tipi set up all year, it is better to pay a little more and get the best of the best material quality. Then Safir cotton/polyester would be the best choice.

Just remember – when comparing Tentipi Nordic tipis with other brands – the scale Tentipi measure from begins higher than others. Already Onyx has a high quality contrasted to tent in the same tent class.

How does the difference between a lightweight and a cotton/polyester fabric show in the everyday tenting life?

If you are hiking and wanting to have as low packing weight as possible, then it is smart to choose a light weight tent.

On the other hand a cotton/polyester tent is breathable which gives better ventilation. That means the indoor climate is nice even hot days.

Cotton/polyester fabric is more resistible against UV radiation than lightweight fabric. The lightweight fabric dries faster than the cotton/polyester fabric.

Do you need anything more?

You can use your tent as it is, whether it is a lightweight tent or a cotton/polyester tent. One tip is to use the tent for a while and then supplement it when you feel it is needed.

There are many accessories if you want to. An inner tent is for example sometimes a good thing.

An inner tent protects against condensation which is especially important for Nordic tipis made of lightweight material. Condensation exhales through the fabric in a cotton/polyester tent.

Read more about choosing tent

Read more about the different fabrics

Read more about inner tents