How to avoid damages on the fabric of the Nordic tipi?

To hold the Nordic tipi fabric clean and nice is the best to avoid damage on the fabric. There are things that make the fabric dirty, but you can do some to prevent it.

Here is what you need to know:

Making a safe fire also means it is less smoke and dirt around it. That’s a positive thing to the fabric.
Read about making a fire in a Nordic tipi Making a fire in a stove Eldfell and Making an open fire in Firebox Hekla

Soot on the walls need not be washed away. A fire in the Nordic tipi gives a little soot, but you can make your fire soak the fabric as little as possible. Read more about making a fire in a Nordic tipi 

When you take down your Nordic tipi, you brush or shake away all loose dirt from the tent walls (leaves, grass, bird droppings, twigs and so on). It prevents damage on the fabric when storing the tent.

If there are stains you want to wash, please, first use lukewarm water. Chemicals will take off the impregnation.

Hard stains can be washed with soft green soap on the stain, and then be re-impregnated. Read more about cleaning the fabric

To avoid mold on the fabric, let the Nordic tipi dry thoroughly. Read more about drying the tent How to dry your Nordic tipi

Read more about how to avoid damages on the Nordic tipi How to avoid damage from flying sparks in a Nordic tipi?